Ridgefield Playhouse

Ridgefield Playhouse

Welcome to the Ridgefield Playhouse 203.438.5795 | 80 East Ridge Rd, Ridgefield, CT 06877 | Box Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm; Saturday 12pm - 4pm

Suzanne Vega

Suzanne Vega
Most recognized for songs such as “Luka,” “Caramel” and “Tom’s Diner,” American singer-songwriter Suzanne Vega has been unrelenting in her approach since her self titled debut album in 1985. Her poignant lyrics, eclectic musical aptitude, and willingness to take compositional risks have made her both a consummate performer and studio musician. Her current tour will support the release of her new 2007 album, “Beauty & Crime.”
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