Ridgefield Playhouse

Ridgefield Playhouse

Welcome to the Ridgefield Playhouse 203.438.5795 | 80 East Ridge Rd, Ridgefield, CT 06877 | Box Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm; Saturday 12pm - 4pm

Mario Cantone

Mario Cantone
Mario Cantone is the fast paced and energetic comedian best known as Charlotte York’s gay and incredibly bossy wedding planner from Sex and the City. Much of the humor from that role derived for his stand-up persona. Cantone is a veteran Broadway performer and has been featured on Comedy Central, Chappelle’s Show, The View and Sunsilk “Hairapy” Commercials. In addition to his hilarious impressions of everyone from Liza Minnelli and Judy Garland to Joan Rivers and Bruce Springsteen, he sings original comedic songs such as Laugh Whore – an ode to being in love with a bat!

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